Custom guitar strap

This is familiar to every musician. In the first years, your instrument still feels a bit uncomfortable and it is difficult to connect with it. As the years and playing hours go by, you become more and more one with your instrument. The way in which you play and perhaps wear your instrument is becoming more and more constant. Your instrument has become an extension of you.

It is precisely from that thought and personal experience that Rock 'n Soul makes custom guitar straps. Precisely by making the guitar strap the right length on which the guitarist, bassist or other string instrumentalist plays, it feels like coming home every time you 'put on' your instrument.

In addition, it has enormous additional advantages that should certainly be mentioned.
  • First of all, it is very nice that there is no button system on your back. Usually the length is determined by adjusting a buckle or extension to the correct height, so that there is always a build-up of fabric (or leather or nylon) somewhere on your back. With thin clothing you still feel it and that can be experienced as not pleasant.
  • Any decoration on print on a regular guitar strap is only visible to a limited extent. On average, only 1/3 of the tire is decorated. Very unfortunate if that is precisely a conscious added value in your presentation or appearance. At Rock 'n Soul we decorate the guitar strap over the entire length, so that the look of your guitar strap works 360 degrees.
  • Additional wishes can be discussed to get your unique guitar strap completely. Not a universal guitar strap of which hundreds are made. No, your guitar strap is handmade to your length and wishes, so it is unique.
View the options in Custom Shop and Print Shop, or send a message with your questions or wishes.

Incidentally, if you have several instruments or playing environments (music companies or genres), you can still have varying playing positions. You often prefer to have a guitar strap that specifically fits for each instrument and/or performance. So basically every instrument needs its own custom guitar strap that suits the player in the situation where it is used.

Some first reactions from customers:
  • "Gosh, this is like coming home!"
  • "it fits like a glove"
  • "You don't even feel you're wearing a band"
  • "That this has not come to the market before!"
The latter may therefore only be shared in confidence.

In short, for those who have been playing for a while and now play their instrument at a fixed height, a tailor-made guitar strap is a relief. It gives you better playing comfort and can be completely tuned to your instrument and to your presentation.